Monday 13 August 2012

A Day in Vatican City

Vatican Museums


St Peter’s Basilica


St Paul’s Basilica


St John Lateran Basilica

Santa Maria Maggiore


Holy Steps

Well, today was practically beyond words to describe. We meet more Canadians today from; Saskatoon, Calgary and Montreal. Had a taste of Rome bus service, started at the Vatican Museums. Saw a massive (the world’s largest private collection) of statutes, artifacts and paintings gathered by the Popes over the two centuries.  Then the Sistine Chapel, probably the highlight of the day (and that’s saying something!!).  Next St Peter’s Basilica – amazing, huge, the largest church on the face of the planet.  Our guide, Tiffany was excellent. Onto St Paul’s Basilica with Lindy (another top notch guide).  St Paul’s was beautiful - seemed empty and tranquil in contrast to St Peter’s. Next St John Lateran Basilica (the Cathedral of the Pope) – lovely, historic building.  Santa Maria Maggiore – a Basilica dedicated to Mary – exquisite.  Finally the Holy Stairs brought by St Helen (Constantine’s Mother) brought from the Holy Land to Rome.  Bernie never believed he would actually be in these places – rather surreal. Some refreshing rain (35C today – hot & muggy); lovely supper. The Italians have a word –allucinate.  Maybe comes close.  Tomorrow, the Colosseum.
More to follow …

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