Thursday 16 August 2012

Rome, Italy to Athens, Greece

Leaving Italy



Our New Friend Maria

Up early today, not the best sleep ever. Organized, easy start to the day, finalized our bill and away we went to the Rome International Airport named Fiumicino or Leonardo da Vinci.  We were flying low with our taxi driver Alexander zooming along around 140 – 150 kmph (at times)! We arrived in plenty of time for our flight out at 11a.m. (got there at 8:30). Aegean A3651 was 15 minutes late leaving but the pilot made up time and we landed on schedule at 2 p.m. (lost an hour going further east). Met by Savvas Papasavvas, agent for Amphitrion Holidays -very friendly, very helpful.  Our taxi driver (who’s getting married next week!) took us to hotel in downtown Athens (population 5 million of Greece’s 11.5 million people).  We are in the penthouse suite of the Best Western Amazon Hotel – first time ever for us.  We have a view from our patio of the Acropolis and the Parthenon.  Wicked cool!!! We settled in, did some shopping and then had a lovely supper at our newest friend Maria’s restaurant. Back to our room to have a look at the Parthenon all lit up. Off on our cruise tomorrow, on the ship the Louis Olympia.  For those of you following this blog, we will not likely post again until we reach Santorini (Sunday 19 Aug 2012).  So please stay tuned.

More to follow …

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