Tuesday 14 August 2012

The Colosseum, Roman Forum, Palatine and Sight Seeing Rome


Roman Forum &
Palatine Hill



An early start and a rather brisk walk to the Colosseum.  A lovely morning, but quite hot in the afternoon (35C). Met our group (four Canadians from Montreal), followed our Guide Claudia into the two thousand year old structure. Our tour covered the main entrance; basement where the gladiators, animals & criminals were kept prior to entering the arena; then first level, moved up to the second and finally the third level (only re-opened last year).  It was from this vantage one really got a sense of how colossal the Amphitheatre of Flavian really was. We then walked through the remains of the Roman Forum, where one could see & touch centuries of history. Up onto to the Palatine Hill, a look at the ruined sites where the Emperors lived.  Just shells but pictures helped us imagine what once was there (Circus Maximus especially).  We took a brief break to get out of the heat then spent a couple of hours on a hop on / hop off bus tour through Rome.  Even met some folks from LaLoche, SK wearing Rider gear today!! Had a lovely sidewalk pasta supper and then tried to sort through the nearly 800 pictures we took today.
More to follow …

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