Sunday 12 August 2012


Farewell to Venice

Venice to Rome


In Rome

 We had a relaxing morning, attended mass at San Marco Basilica – what a moving experience! The exquisite detail of the art work, the lavishness of gold, it was visually overwhelming.  The Italian service was beautiful as well. A quick bite and one more waterbus ride, a look around and boarded the train to Rome.  A high-speed train flew (300 kmph) through the Italian countryside.  If they weren’t living on it, they were growing something on it.  A bit of graffiti here & there as well. Made Rome in good time, 4 hour trip arriving at 7:30 p.m. Settled in, had a lovely meal at a local family run restaurant and mapped out our day for tomorrow.  St Peter’s Basilica & Vatican City … going to be an experience.

More to follow …

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