Monday 6 August 2012


Sunday we had a relaxing start to the day.  Took advantage of the weather (a bit rainy) to get some laundry done.  Fortunately the improved and we were off to visit Luneberg.  This historic town was a centre of salt production with has caused some visually interesting structural issues.  This community was mostly spared during WWII and was filled with unique homes, buildings and churches of various styles and periods.  We were privileged to sit in on some of the rehearsal of Soul Collector, a jazz band that Ken & Vincent are key members of.  Some more sight-seeing then we headed back to Bienenbuttel. 


There we relaxed, visited and had a delicious home cooked meal.  Skype allowed our girls to meet the Dombrowski family. The evening was capped with some jazz and classical trombone music performed by Ken.  What a treat!!  Such talented musicians (Ken, Vincent & Kathy). What a thoroughly enjoyable day.
More to follow

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