Monday 20 August 2012

Sailing to Santorini, Greece; disembarking from the Olympia; setting into Nectarios Villa

Sunrise / Leaving the Louis Olympia


Harbour Cruise / Sunset & Fireworks

On Sunday, did not get to sleep in as we had hoped. Rather choppy seas and Bernie woke early to witness the sun rise as we neared Santorini. Ate our final breakfast at the Lido deck restaurant and made our way to the Reception area to collect our passports and wait for further instructions on when to dis-embark. We left the Louis Olympia via tender to the Athinios Port and met our Amphitrion Holidays rep Gloria.  She co-ordinated our transfer to Nectarios Villa in Fira. Met Nectarios & Kataryna who greeted us very warmly and gave us a Santorini orientation. We attended mass at the St John the Baptist Cathedral and afterwards explored Fira, visited the grocery store to stock up for our 3 day stay. Back to the villa, got settled, made some lunch, had a swim and off for another excursion. Annually Santorini celebrates – commemorates the volcano eruption of 1500 BC. We went on a harbour cruise vessel, the Princess, where we had a catered light meal with wine of course, then witnessed the sunset at the foot of Oia and waited for a fabulous 30 minute fireworks presentation.  The fireworks included a simulated lava flow on the dormant volcano cone. Simply amazing. Once we got back to the port and bused up to Fira, we saw the night life of Santorini just getting started – too busy for us. Glorious sunrise and sunset all in one day – what a day!

More to follow …  

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