Sunday 26 August 2012

Last Day in Greece – Changing of the Gurards; St Paul’s Church; Temple of Poseidon & Cape Sounion Beach

Changing of the Guard

St Paul’s Anglican Church

Coastline Views

Temple of Poseidon

On the Beach

Last Sunset

The title is a mouth full but it was a full, last day of our holiday.  Hot yet again, 40C!! Got ourselves fed & organized. Chris attended the Greek National Changing of the Guards – she was really impressed with the uniforms, precision drill and the music. Bernie attended church service at St Paul’s Anglican Episcopal. A very catholic worship, an enlightening and moving sermon especially. Bit of packing then off for our last adventure. A ninety minute bus ride along the southeast coast of the Athens area. Met Panos a Greek Canadian, who obtained his university education at the U of A in Edmonton!  What a small world!  Gave us lots of tips about where we were headed, great visit about Greece, Canada & the world in general. End of the line at the Temple of Poseidon. The view from the ruins was worth the ride out alone. Met a kind, charming couple, Constantinos & Olivia. Had a great visit, chat about Greece, Canada and the state of affairs in the world.  Dropped us off at the beach – yesterday Piraeus was nice; today this one was heavenly!  What a treat! All too soon it was time to head back. A rather long (2 hour) ride back into Athens but the view along the way, capped by another blazing sunset was a fitting cap to our day & our trip.  Finished off our packing and … the long flight (Athens, London, Toronto finally Regina!) awaits. If jet lag & fatigue will allow we’ll post once we get our Saskatchewan bearings again. Hope you’ve enjoyed the ride … we certainly did.

“An ending,” which as Doughty said “…  is just the beginning for the next adventure.”


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