Monday 6 August 2012

Luneberg – Hannover – Berlin

Monday we got up, packed and a pleasant breakfast. A bit of visiting and all too soon it was time to say “Auf Wiedersehen”.  We were treatment so kindly, so warmly welcomed, had such a great time – really feel like part of the family.  How truly blessed we were to have the opportunity to visit.


Comfortable and uneventful trip from Luneberg to Hannover, rolled along at 160 kmph.  The trip from Hannover to Berlin was even more comfortable and faster (250 kmph!). We settled in to our hotel and then made a hike to look at and climb the 67 m high Victory Column.  282 steps later - what a view of Berlin!

A quick Skype visit with the girls, followed by a lovely supper.  Then rest of the evening was spent relaxing and catching up on our blog.  Off to see Berlin tomorrow!
More to follow …

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