Friday 10 August 2012

Salzburg, Austria into Italy and onto to Venice




Wow, what an incredible day!! Very early start to get on the train in Salzburg by 8 a.m. Travelled through the Alps with breathtaking, mountainous views to Villach, Austria. Switched to a bus to get to Italy. This was a tad frustrating as it was not clear where to find the bus. The bus drove through the Alps into Italy, passing beautiful stands of trees, lush vineyards, produce growing everywhere. Finally the bus took us over a causeway to Venice. We switched to public transport ‘water buses’. Hot, hot, hot – 31C!! Travelled the Grand Canal to get to the San Marco Piazzo to find the Best Western – Hotel Cavaletto, established 1308.  Rather tricky, as it was a bit of a maze off the Piazzo. Cool, refreshing shower then had a lovely spaghetti supper off the Cappo Al Teatro. Then a leisurely ‘water bus’ ride in the opposite direction around the Grand Canal.  Some gelato on San Marco Piazzo while Mozart’s “Night Music” played softly from an open air restaurant. Bellissimo!! Once more as we travelled, we met kind, helpful & friendly people.  Men off to see Austrian trains; Christina & Silver; Elka & Joseph; Sam & Sandra; Marco & Gretchen; Dean, Diane & family.  We have been very fortunate. Tomorrow more to see & do in Venice.
More to follow …

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