Wednesday 29 August 2012

Athens, London, Toronto, Regina – Home at last



Monday we had a very early start to our day – after a last look at the Parthenon, had a comfortable ride to the airport. 4 hour flight from Athens to London included a lovely breakfast. Got smoothly through International Connections Security in Heathrow – onto the 7.5 hour flight from London to Toronto.  British Airways certainly treats their passengers well – had two meals – one hot – Chris watched 3 movies while Bernie napped, excellent flight. Landed in Toronto a little late, so nice to be back on Canadian soil - no problem with getting through Canadian Customs and collecting our bags to get our last 3 hour WestJet flight to Regina. Had a bit of a layover in Toronto – time for a Tim’s. We had a smooth flight, touched down in the Queen City at 2000 hrs local.  The nicest thing we saw all day were the smiling faces waiting for us as we came into view,
In the past two months we travelled via planes, busses, subways, ferries, taxis and a cruise ship.  Took home various mementos, 14,440 pictures and a lifetime worth of memories. We have been so blessed in all the places we saw, all the kind, friendly and helpful people we met and how well everything worked out.  Now it’s back to the routine of living … no more to follow.  At least on this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the New World. 14,440 pictures? So that is about a 20 hour slide show?

