Sunday 22 July 2012

A Day in Dublin City

We had our last meal, full Irish breakfast, as part of our Insight Vacations, ‘Focus on Ireland’ tour B906 with our new friends Joe & Sheila from Surrey, England. We have made some very good friends from all over the world on these two tours.
We switched hotels to Cassidy’s on Parnell Square. We were able to get to Mass at St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral. We caught the tail-end of the Latin Mass before the English Mass started. Bernie has not heard High Mass in Latin for forty years. What a spectacular church and moving service. We met Damian Flynn at Mass - believe or not!

Had a bit of lunch just down from the Cathedral and then walked down Earl and Henry Street – a pedestrian mall that goes for 4 blocks. Stopped and paid our respects to James Joyce.

Miracle of miracles - we found a seller of Tim Horton’s coffee within their convenience store (Spar). Clear brilliant!!

There was a big match (provincial final) of Gaelic Football (combination of soccer and European handball with a bit of tackling thrown in for some mayhem) in Dublin today – lots of people in jerseys walking to the stadium – felt like a Rider game day only in two shades of blue rather than Rider green. The chant was ‘Up the Dubs’ as they meet each other on the street. The Dublin Boys outlasted the Meath Royals (2-13 to 1-13 which translates into 19 points to 16 points).

Paul Flynn (#13) of the Dubs scores a decisive goal

Out for supper at 'The Church' (owned by Brendan Flynn no less), St Mary's, Church of Ireland, closed in 1964, converted into a bar and resturant in 1997 after several years of renovations. The Church Beef & Guinness Stew was absolutely glorious!

Off to the Arlington Hotel for a free Irish dancing and music show (band was Puca). Tomorrow we are on our own once again and the adventure continues.

More to follow …

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