Tuesday 10 July 2012

Up into the Scottish Highlands

We bid farewell to sunny Edinburgh yesterday … actually it was raining yet again.  Didn’t dampen our spirits as we were off on the part of the tour that Chris was really excited about - seeing the Highlands of Scotland. Our first stop was at St. Andrews, the location of the ancient Scottish Golf course ...

  St. Andrews University and St. Andrews Cathedral, the largest ruins we have seen thus far.

Twisty, windy roads; green, rolling hills, but best of all as the bus moved north – the sun !!! We had a lovely fish & chips lunch, soaking up the sun in Pitlochry, beautiful little spot. 

Stopped for a tour through Blair Athol Castle; the home, history & artifacts of 11 Dukes of the Murray Clan, wonderfully preserved. 

As we moved from place to place, our guide provided insight to the area, its history, the economy, flora and fauna.  Michael’s knowledge is encyclopedic – especially the history of the kings, queens & politics.  Fascinating!!  Our final stop of the day was a lovely lodge in the heart of the HIghlands, Laggan Gaskmore.  Treated to another lovely dinner, haggis piped in, with a wee dram of whisky.

More to follow …

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