Saturday 7 July 2012

Transition to Country Roads of Scotland Bus Tour

Today was a transition day, moved from the Novotel, Edinburgh Park to Macdonald Roxburghe Hotel Charlotte Square, Edinburgh. We truly had a lovely stay at the Novotel, such helpful & friendly staff.  Made our way via train to Waverley Station, then had a half hour walk in drizzle that passes for rain here in Scotland (day 6 in a row for the U.K.). We are very impressed with the welcome and service here at the Roxburghe Hotel. Chris took it easy while Bernie did some errands.

Met, had a couple with drinks and light supper with our tour director Michael Doughty and the other 28 guests on the tour. Our group is made up of people from Australia, USA (Los Angeles and New Jersey), Britain and Canada (Toronto, London, Kenora, Regina and Melville). Seem to be a friendly group of people - off to a wonderful start.

More to follow …

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