Friday 20 July 2012

Into God’s Country – County Cork

We had our last breakfast at Killarney Towers, loaded up the coach and off we went to God’s Country – County Cork!!  Not only the home of Bernie’s Great-Grandfather John O’Flynn but also the home of our Tour Director Rory’s Mother!  Gave him a rather biased but very insightful perspective to the history, sights & sounds of the county and city.

Our first stop of the day was at the port of Cobh (which used to be Queenstown which used to be Cove – only in Ireland!!). Went to an interpretive / heritage centre focusing on masses of emigration from Ireland (especially as a result of the ‘Great Hunger’ / the Potato Famine in the 1850s). Terrible, horrible conditions – sad part of history. Really enjoyed walking around the town – lovely port of call.

Then on to Cork – a really interesting city. Rory really knew a lot about the places & history. Fun lunch then some shopping & looking around.

 Off to the Blarney Castle. Lovely grounds & gardens – the castle was an interesting ruin. Both Chris & Bernie kissed the ‘Blarney Stone’, very lucky as the line-up was really short for us. One of those ‘got to do’ things now off the list. Gorgeous day, really enjoyed the sun & the relaxing pace.

Checked into the Blarney Golf Resort Hotel, lovely place.  Wonderful dinner, great visit with some Australian Guiders, Sue & Val, on our Coach Tour. Another fantastic, memory filled day in Erie.

More to follow …

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