Saturday 14 July 2012

On the way to the Isle of Skye

Thursday we left Thurso Rail Station Hotel and made our way west across the northern edge of Scotland. Poor Knoxie, our coach driver, earned every pound of his pay - twisty, narrow tracks, ‘Passing Places’, here & there.  Brought to mind a paved cow path.Moving south into Lairg for a whisper stop; treated to a snack courtesy of ‘Big John’ Boulding, Managing Director of Insight Vacations; with a quick look at the Falls of Shin – lovely spot. Chris found the Blythe family crest with some of family history to bring home.

Trekked on to Ullapool, lunch and a real find – tiny museum with a display about the “Hector”.  A ship that travelled to Pictou, N.S. in 1773, with 179 brave souls - the replica we’ve seen at her berth in Nova Scotia! South & west across the wind swept bogs of Wester Ross, now our route seemed more of a paved goat path.

Stark, lonely green hills watched us as we made our way to Dornie, to picturesque Eilean Donan Castle. Breathtaking!!

At this stop we made another discovery. Ron Manning travelling on our coach tour with his lovely wife Sue from Sydney, Australia is a Flynn!!  His mother’s maiden name is shared by Bernie’s family!  What are the odds of that?

Finally we wound our way into Portree, main city of the ‘Misty’ Isle, the Isle of Skye. Oddly enough our first stretch of lovely sunshine.  Tucked into the quaint Tongadale Hotel. Delicious supper then an amazing tour by our walk-on guide, John.  History of the crofters, Bonnie Prince Charlie, Flora MacDonald and the clan wars of the MacDonalds and MacLeods. Strikingly stunning vistas, hauntingly beautiful. Sunset brought to a close another full, unforgettable day.

More to follow …

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