Thursday 5 July 2012

Touring Edinburgh

Today started out with quite a treat - Haggis and Blood Pudding for breakfast - Bernie was not as pleased with the treat as I was - good thing there were other regular breakfast items on the buffet.

We made our way into Edinburgh City centre from where we are staying on the outskirts via train (10 min). It was a foggy day - folks here call it 'Scottish Mist' - this did not damper our spirits. Did some shopping - post cards and Scottish memorabilia.

Joined an hour long Hop On - Hop Off bus tour. Throughout the day we went around three times - saw new things each time. The Queen, William & Kate were here for some kind of Scottish award for William. Crowds crazy, traffic snared so tour later in the day took its regular route, modified for the Royal procession, so we got to travel the Royal Mile.

Lunch included a taste of Scottish beer - Innis and Gunn - loved it.

Took lots of pictures, met new people and toured the Scotland National Museum and the National Gallery of Scotland. Got to see the first glimpses of the Jacobite uprisings and defeat at Culloden.

Supper was unique, Hunter's Chicken: Chicken breast, back bacon slathered in BBQ sauce with wide cut chips and salad. Eating today has been a wonderful adventure. More to follow ...

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