Friday 6 July 2012

What an incredible day! We travelled out to Ancrum, Roxburgh, Scotland where Chris' ancestors came from back in 1884 (James - great-grandfather and David great-great uncle). We left Edinburgh via a local bus company for a 1 hr 45 min ride. It was foggy most of the way but still saw beautiful scenery and took lots of pictures.

The first thing we saw was the Ancrum Pantry - the local grocery, post office, liquor store and news stand - it is the busiest place in the village. We walked down the road to Townhead (edge of the village & name of the Blythe farm) where Chris' great-grandfather was born. Chris was so exicited and in awe of standing on the ground where James Jr. and his family lived.

Headed back to Edinburgh where we had a fine Dram of Whisky (Scottish vs non-Scottish Whiskey spelling) before supper at the Filling Station on High Street  (the Royal Mile).  Made our way back to the hotel to get packed up for our next adventure. Tomorrow we join our Insight Vacations Bus Coach tour into Northern Scotland. More to follow ...


  1. I can't help but think that Bernie was looking for some coke to put in that good scotch!

  2. Awesome pics Chris! Thank you so much for sharing in your experiences!

