Wednesday 4 July 2012

Travel day to Edinburgh

Our day began with our last full English breakfast prepared by our host, Phil.  We were so well treated & comfortable at the Martel Guest House.  Phil is such a kind, helpful and humorous soul – a real kindred spirit. It was with a bit of sadness we made our last trek down Hodford Road to catch the tube into London. Rain again, but off we were on another adventure. Jammed like sardines on the tube we made it to the train station.  Caught the 10 a.m. Aberdeen run at King’s Cross (Platform 2), first class fare.

Quite a comfortable way to travel (at 200 kmph!) - treats, drinks, beverages & meal complimentary.  Met Elizabeth & Kathy from El Paso, TX, Mom & daughter on a UK holiday. Rolling countryside, very green, finally (!) got to see the sun after three days of overcast skies in London.

Arrived to brilliant sunshine in Edinburgh … what a striking first impression.  A short walk & look around, then a bit of a delay to make our connection out to our hotel.


The heavens opened and torrents (!!!) of rain fell but luckily had tapered off by the time we made the Novotel Hotel.  Settled into our room, relaxed a bit, ate Spring lamp for dinner and made up our plan of attack for the next couple (actually three) of days in Edinburgh. 

The adventure continues …

1 comment:

  1. I hope that was spring lamb and not spring lamp you had for supper. :D
