Sunday 8 July 2012

Edinburgh Castle - Rosslyn Chapel - A Taste of Scotland

Today was a very interesting, exciting & busy day.  The best news was that the rain let up!!  Even had the sun break through for few minutes!!  We had a pleasant breakfast, made ourselves ready for the day.  Bill joined our tour as a ‘walk-on’ guide, and guided our bus through old & new Edinburgh.  Then up to Edinburgh Castle.  In a word, amazing!! The structure, history, view … break-taking.


With some help, we made our way to Roslin, to the Rosslyn Chapel.  The bus ride out was interesting, a bus load of Grade 10 students from China joined us.  Lots of beautiful country-side to look at; then into the small village, met a very precocious 3 year old on a lunch treat with her dad. A lovely lunch then into the Chapel; a site which dates from the mid 11th century & the structure itself from 1446. Associated with the Knights Templar, intriguing history, stunning masonary carvings.

Bus back, then out for a ‘taste of Scotland’ a tasty meal (with the piping in of the haggis), displaying some amazing Scottish entertainment.

Back to the hotel to prepare for the actual ‘Country Roads of Scotland’ bus tour, leaving tomorrow for northern Scotland. What a day!!

More to follow …

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