Monday 2 July 2012

London Eye - Westminster Abbey - St Paul's - Mouse Trap

Rain in London, what a surprise – but it did not damper ours activities. We were off to the London Eye first thing this morning – what a terrific panorama.

Visited Westminster Abbey – so much history and historical figures in the crypts which are too numerous to see or mention except we were impressed by the earliest deceased date of 1114, all the English Royalty that we saw and all the famous literary figures in Poet’s Corner like Chaucer, Tennyson, Byron & Browning. Attended a Communion service in the Nave of the Abbey – very spiritual.

Toured the original Jewel Tour near the Abbey (about 1000 years old) and off to St Paul’s Cathedral  where Bernie wanted to see Nelson’s tomb in the crypt below the Cathedral main floor. The church is an amazing monument to the Glory of God.

Finally experienced traditional Fish and Chips with a Guinness in a British pub. To top off the day we went to see Agatha Christie’s ‘Mouse Trap’ at St Martin’s theatre – this is the 60th year of the run (longest running British play).  

What a day – more to follow …

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your having an amazing time! Have fun! Try to get to the Portrait Museum if you's free too!
    PS. What's with all the hockey jerseys?? LOL
