Monday 16 July 2012

Off to Galway

Monday we started off with a lovely full Irish breakfast (white instead of black pudding), onto the bus in light rain.  Three hours and whisper stop later we were in the colourful and fun city of Galway.

Had marvelous afternoon, so much fun, shopping in Galway, lots of colour & sights to see. A bank in a castle, the Spanish gates built in 1584 and the Galway river that feeds Galway Bay.

Then for the evening we attended a mediaeval feast at Dunguaire Castle. They chose a King & his Lady to preside over the feasting & merriment. Three guesses who they were - King Bernard & Lady Christine!!! What a blast! Mead wine, more wine, lovely meal, poems, music, great conversation – getting to know our new friends.  The most fun we’ve had on the trip so far.

More to follow …

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